Costa Verde

The Costa Verde (the green coast) extends, in the south west of Sardinia, from the stunning Capo Pecora to Capo Frasca. It is a maquis covered green coast easily accessible by a scenic road that goes from Montevecchio through the resort of Portu Maga, Marina di Arbus known as Gutturu e Flumini, Porto Palmas and Torre dei Corsari. Lots of sandy beaches, fantastic coves and bays characterize the unspoilt landscape. The sandy beach of Piscinas is one of the most stunning and enchanting beaches of the whole of Sardinia. It is 9 km long and very exposed to mistral wind that blows in from France. This particular wind changes the moving dunes, which are real hills of sand, those even reach 55 metres. Wild lilies bloom on this arid desert like beach creating beautiful fields in spring, marram grass and juniper trees also resist in this arid environment. This ecological oasis is also home of wild rabbits, dears and foxes, which often leave their footprint on the sand in the early morning where they arrive down from the mountains. Remains of mine railroad and of a mining building, now turned in to an exclusive hotel, can be seen right on the beach. Torre dei Corsari is the largest and most popular resort of the Costa Verde. The first holiday’s houses appeared around the sixties and since then it has grown and developed in to a city that in the hot months reaches approximately 15.000 inhabitants. Very few people live here during wintertime but some shops and facilities are available all year round. The beach called Lo Spiaggione is a long sandy beach with impressively high dunes of a fantastic golden colour and covered in deep bright maquis. There are also two sheltered coves easily accessible and safe for children.

The history of Montevecchio is strictly related to the history of the mines in Sardinia. The exploitation of the rich soil of this area started in the Phoenician times and even roman galleries are to found here in the area called of Sa rocca Stampada. Montevecchio used to be a lively prosperous mining centre for a long time but its decline ended in 1991 when the mines were closed down although the precious zinc and lead veins are not completely worked out. Unfortunately mining costs were too high and not competitive anymore. Finally, after a series of struggles between the local Government and the ENI, which had totally neglected and ruined the territory in 1998 the area around Montevecchio was returned to the Sardinia Region. In 1997 Montevecchio became one of the eight sites declared Parco Geominerario della Sardegna by the Unesco as part of the world heritage. Thanks to the prestigious recognition this area will come to a new life after long years of neglect. Forests and large pinewoods where the climatic conditions are very mild with balsamic air and fresh summertime characterize the environment. The buildings of the mining headquarters have an elegant Liberty style. It is the realm of the Sardinian dear, a preserved breed of which only around Montevecchio there still are about 500 specimen. The "Elafos Association”, an association of volunteers was established in 1989 for the preservation of the Sardinian dears. It is possible to organise excursions in the dear preserve or to receive information calling the number 070-971194. For people searching for adventurous trekking and other expeditions the Mount Arcuentu is the right and ideal place.